Thankfully, Pip seems to love it, so that's good. Last night followed the standard Crucify-Cornflake-Bells-Siren-Silent-Cooling formula that Tori always does for important shows. I can't say I blame her, as she can do basic versions of all those songs in her sleep and really kick-ass ones (i.e. last night) when she wants to, but I was still snoring. Digital Ghost-Hotel-Code Red and Pip's set compensated though. Not as good as Albany but it was not as bad as Munich or CPH, so whatever.

Elsewhere in New York, the lovely Rob, pictured below:

took us to Red Bamboo, a name that implies a restaurant with Asian cuisine. This place, however, has the best (and probably most unhealthy, d'oh) fake meat I've ever tasted. After, before that, Rob and I (in the company of Caitlin) walked on the streets and took some really gay, suspiciously couple-looking pictures together. It should be noted that in the first picture, Rob is wearing my clothing, and looks incredibly hot. YOU ARE HOT ANYWAY--DON'T BE INSECURE but Rob, fashion is your friend! The gay pictures are below:

In closing, Tori, I'm rooting for you tonight. Don't let me down!
your videos are great, what kind of camera do you use ??
I use a Sony Cyber Shot DSC W 55 model.
that is soooo cool, haha 2 pea-nises in a pod, rob, i love that you relish the role of sexual deviant. it's embarrassing, in case you didnt know it) homospirituality? more like sexual pervert. get help pal. std's, drugs, and a short life span are in your future, but you know that already.and being a freak is nothing to brag about, jeeez
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